About ATProduct

ATPproduct (Above The Product). ATProduct is a new service that aims to explain the behavior of clients while purchasing products and to highlight what finally makes them buy a product from a store. In an environment where competitors adapt fast to changes, but clients even faster, decisions that are based on quality data appoint the winner. The ATProduct platform helps a company to have a clear picture and to be able to immediately implement possible changes on strategy and pricing strategy.

ATProduct was founded in 2019 to provide cloud services for monitoring, performace pricing and retail market activities addressed to companies, maximizing their benefits by making use of the data and insights available at each company today.

In the beginning of 2019, ATProduct developed and circulated live the platform atproduct.ioATProduc tracks, evaluates and builds a dynamic 'products', with the aim of trusting them to carry out the company’s communication campaigns.

ATProduct is a service that monitors the market for each product with the information that is available online. Thus, each eshop owner has a clear picture of their market as a whole, but also for each product separately. It also has the ability to take decisions and implement them quickly and easily through automated procedures and an excellent UI.

Continuously adapting to the needs of our time, ATProduct is always trying to create the ideal circumstances in order for its employees and other stakeholders to be able to trust the company completely. 
